Pass your exam the first time or don't pay. Each month we help hundreds of professionals successfully become certified.

Money Back Guarantee

Step 1: Practice

Take the practice questions and simulation exams, as many times as you like, until you achieve a minimum grade of 80% on each of them.

Step 2: Take Exam

Sit for your certification exam within 14 days of completing all practice exams provided.

Step 3: Receive Results

The certification provider will notify you of your exam results.

Step 4: Celebrate or Get Refund

If you do NOT pass your exam, simply send us your failure notice and we will refund your purchase price.

When can I claim a refund?

All students are entitled with full refund if he/she fails the corresponding exam within 14 days after completing our courses. In order to save ourselves from scammers and continue this Money Back Guarantee for loyal customers, please note the money back guarantee is not applicable in the following situations:

How do I claim my refund?

The refund procedure is very simple, we only need the following information:

How do I claim a refund on a Bundle?

To be qualified for a full Bundle refund:

*In the event a refund is approved, the funds will be applied back to the form of payment of the original transaction. No cash refunds, check refunds or bank transfer refunds.

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